INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "Mediterranean Diasporas. Settlements of Religious Minorities in Exile"

En Aula Magna de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras el día 29/10/2021 a las 15:30:00

Material incluido en la colección: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "Mediterranean Diasporas. Settlements of Religious Minorities in Exile"

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Autor Universidad de Alicante
Título INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "Mediterranean Diasporas. Settlements of Religious Minorities in Exile"
Resumen The conference deals with the settlements of religious minorities in their Mediterranean exiles during the Early Modern Period. The voluntary exile and forced migration of hundreds of thousands of people belonging to different ethnic-religious groups (Moriscos, Sephardim, Marranos, Greeks, Albanians, to name but a few) as a result of civil and inquisitorial persecutions, as well as religious wars, characterized the landscape of this area and this era with unprecedented dimensions in comparison with its past.
Duración 03:23:44.00
Keywords Diaspora - Minorías - Religión - Mediterráneo
Material incluido en las siguientes colecciones  
Usuario luis.bernabe[perdoname]
Visitas 162
Tamaño 1.217.07MB