Flow sheet diagrams and control volumes

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  Información   Flow sheet diagrams and control volumes  Maria J. Fernandez-Torres  

Nombre:   flowsheets
Autor:  Maria J. Fernandez-Torres
Título:  Flow sheet diagrams and control volumes
Resumen:  Overview: This video explains the concepts of FLOWSHEET DIAGRAM and CONTROL VOLUME in the context of Chemical Engineering. It describes how to correctly draw various control volumes and the streams that should be taken into account in each case.
Duración:  00:05:49.72
Keywords:   Flow sheet diagram, Control volume
Versión móvil:  https://vertice.cpd.ua.es/21474
Usuario: fernandez[perdoname]ua.es Tipo:  FRAGUA
Visitas:  2489 Tamaño:  40.22MB