Purge: usage and equations (Part II)

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  Información   Purge: usage and equations (Part II)  Maria J. Fernandez-Torres  

Nombre:   purge2
Autor:  Maria J. Fernandez-Torres
Título:  Purge: usage and equations (Part II)
Resumen:  Overview: This video explains the concept of PURGE in the context of Chemical Engineering. This, the second of two videos on the subject, looks at the implications of using a large or a small purge stream. The video finishes with a look at the equations that are useful when a purge is involved.
Duración:  00:06:42.13
Keywords:   Purge
Versión móvil:  https://vertice.cpd.ua.es/21510
Usuario: fernandez[perdoname]ua.es Tipo:  FRAGUA
Visitas:  2006 Tamaño:  46.14MB